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About Us

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less travelled by; and that has made all the difference.”

― Robert Frost

Our Mission

Our Vision 

Healing He❤️rts’ mission is to empower every individual with opportunities for emotional growth, instilling hope, trust, and respect for self through the engaging power of horses, incorporating animal therapy as a healing modality to act as a catalyst for behavioural change. 

Our vision is to provide a safe healing environment whereby individuals are supported by the humane partnership that develops between a man and horse.


Meet The Team

Founder & CEO / Principal Program Facilitator
Bachelor of Teaching (Griffith University)
Bachelor of Education (Griffith University)
Masters of Counselling (Psychology) (University of Southern Queensland)
Registered with Australian Counselling Association (level 4)

I was fortunate to have spent the majority of my childhood years on my grandparents 1500-acre dairy farm, and subsequently in my later adolescent years on my parents’ farm. My grandfather and Uncle both shared a love for the land and horses. (Both very skilled stock man) Each having their own pure-bred Arab stallions which they showed and bred. So, I suppose I was somewhat destined to inherit the love of the land and horses, as my forbears had, it was in my blood.!!

I was gifted my first pony on my birthday by my grandfather, when I was two years old. Her name was “Cindy”, We were then the inseparable duo, I followed her relentlessly. As an adult looking back now, I did not realise how incredulous our bond was, she sensed my every move, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I remember at ten years old having had an altercation with my mother, upset and crying I ran to find my best friend, my confidant. Cindy was laying in the back paddock with her newborn foal, I remember sobbing into her thick winter fur coat, and curling into the foetal position tucked snugly between her udder and back legs. My mother recalls that when she found me, she was in disbelief, Cindy’s head was cradled on my shoulder as if to console and protect me. I did not acknowledge it at the time, I was too young, but my therapist had four legs and a tail, and silver whiskers that kissed your face as she healed your heart!

My academic background includes a Bachelor of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, Masters in Psychology. My teaching experiences span twenty-eight years, in both primary, secondary, tertiary and Alternate Education settings. For the past twenty of those years, I have worked both as a Behaviour Management teacher/ consultant and counsellor, working with “at risk youth” and their families. I have taught and counselled in the Central Highlands, Cape York, Mackay, and Logan/Beaudesert districts. Both in the public and private school settings.


The majority of my work experience within the alternate settings has been predominantly working with adolescent boys, aged between (12-15). I believe my success in working with adolescents has been paramount to my ability to develop a rapport and relationship based on trust and respect. The children I have taught and counselled have come from severely dysfunctional backgrounds. I have worked with children who were drug/alcohol dependent, victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, victims of and or witness to domestic violence, alcoholism, prostitution, and pornography.

In co-ordinating Alternate Education programs, for “at risk youth”, many of whom were expelled from mainstream school, and or pending exclusion. Many also had been institutionalised and were on court orders to attend alternate education placement. In reiteration as above my successes in achieving positive behavioural outcomes unequivocally derived from establishing discipline, characterised by respect and relationships founded on trust.

Counselling Philosophy

The counselling modality I aspire to, and practise incorporates the philosophical underpinnings of Humanistic psychology. Widely acclaimed and practised by the late Dr Carl Rogers (psychologist). I believe as Rogers proclaimed that it is the quality of the therapeutic relationship that matters the most, a relationship based on trust, empathy, and congruence, these qualities are the defining catalyst for behavioural change. It has been my experience that a child will not ask to see your credentials or enquire about your scholarly knowledge; they will speak to you if they feel that they can trust you.

Diesel Dog (Honourary PhD)

I have always believed in animal therapy, and on many occasions was fortunate enough to bring my dog into my workspace. Both in group settings and individual counselling sessions. The presence of my dog and what he bought to the table, always overshadowed my credentials. I awarded him an honourary PhD in psychology. Besides being patted to an inch of his life, he soothed the souls and broken hearts off many of my young clients.  The animal /human connection between that of a dog and horse is similar, subtly difference in size of some 500kg plus. I say plus because Susan and Chris’s Friesian horses are magnificent gentle giants. So, my Equine facilitated learning and psychotherapy business came to fruition through my relationship with my Doctor and friend (Dr Suzanna), whom invited me to set up practise on her 40-acre property and team up with the four-legged therapists!

Collaboratively working with disadvantaged youth and incorporating animal therapy as a healing modality to act as a catalyst for behavioural change, echoed my business “Healing ❤️s” into existence.

Dr. Susan
Bachelor of Medicine (1995)
Bachelor of Surgery (1995) (MB BS) from University of the Free State
Fellow of the Royal Australian
College of General Practitioners (FRACGP)
Registered with Australian Friesian Horse Society (AFHS)

Susan graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in South Africa in 1995. She worked in a public hospital for one year before starting private practice in a rural area. Having worked in partnership for five years, she then bought her own practice and subsequently worked there for another four years before immigrating to Australia in 2004.

For the past 18 years, Susan has now worked as a resident doctor within her local community.Susan started riding at the age of two years old and it was these early days in the saddle that forged her destiny: a love and understanding of horses that has transpired over 40 years.

Susan bought her first black beauty in the year of 2005. Her love for her Friesians knows no boundaries and she admits, “it is hard to stop at one”. She has been breeding Friesians for over ten years and now has seven black beauties. Her excellent horsemanship skills and natural-born aptitude for sensing the horse’s every move has earned her countless awards and accolades accumulated over 15 years of dressage.

Susan’s kind and caring empathetic nature exemplifies her as a remarkable doctor, and her reputation proceeds her. Her genuine desire to help people extends beyond her being a good doctor. This is exemplified by selflessly giving her time and energy on the weekend, without any monetary gain.

Susan achieves this by loading up the four-legged therapists and trekking them all over the countryside, performing shows for disadvantaged youth. She has tirelessly been bringing joy and happiness to countless special needs children for the past 11 years.


Chris, like Susan, equally shares the same love and passion for their beloved Friesians. He has over twenty years of experience working with these black beauties. His knowledge and expertise in all facets of horsemanship are unparalleled. It is these qualities that makes him an exceptional asset to the Healing Hearts team.

Chriss has an innate ability to communicate with horses, and they reciprocate his affections in their own language. Chriss believes that the Friesian breed has exceptional qualities, inclusive of inherent understanding and sensitivity to people’s emotions, making them an excellent natural born therapy horse.